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Parinirvana of The 8th Choegon Rinpoche

The Parinirvana Anniversary of Drukpa Kargyu Golden Rosary Masters:

The 8th Kyabgon Choegon Rinpoche

On the 11th day of the tenth month in Tibetan lunar calendar is the parinirvana anniversary of The 8th Kyabgon Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche, Thutop Choekyi Gyamtso.

The Drukpa Choegon Rinpoches are revered as "Tuchen Dorje Jinpa," "Dorje Jinpa of Tsari," "Dorje Jinpei Wangchuk," etc., means the 'Vajra Holder of Great Power,' 'The Great Vajra Holder of the Sacred Holy Place of Tsari,' 'The Lord of All Vajra Holders' respectively.

The 8th Tuchen Dorje Jinpa was one of the most venerated Drukpa Kargyu Golden Rosary Masters and Lineage Holder. It's owing to his foresightedness through his supreme realization and selflessness in safeguarding the lineage teachings that the enlightened essence of Drukpa Kargyu is being preserved unbrokenly until the current day.

The precious images of The 8th Kyabgon Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche. Top: the last few photos taken before Rinpoche entered into parinirvana; Bottom left: the earlier photo taken in Tibet; Bottom Right: the hand-painted colour photo taken at the later ag…

The precious images of The 8th Kyabgon Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche. Top: the last few photos taken before Rinpoche entered into parinirvana; Bottom left: the earlier photo taken in Tibet; Bottom Right: the hand-painted colour photo taken at the later age in the Himalayan region.


Dechen Choekhor Monastery in Tibet and India, as well as all other branch monasteries of Dechen Choekhor are conducting special puja, particularly the Guru Offering (Lama Chopa) and Confession Practices on this memorable day commemorating the passing of this eminent Drukpa Kargyu's master.

The 8th Kyabgon Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche, Thutop Chokyi Gyamtso spent his entire life, diligently and selflessly collected and preserved the teachings of the Drukpa Kargyu, and transmitted these sacred teachings and transmissions to the most remote regions of Tibet and the Himalayan. It is due to his great kindness and exertion that the Drukpa Kargyu Lineage flourishes today in Tibet, Nepal and India.

The two heartsons of The 8th Kyabgon Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche - The 8th Kyabje Khamtrul Rinpoche and The 8th Kyabje Adeu Rinpoche - Root Gurus to the present Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche, the 9th.

The two heartsons of The 8th Kyabgon Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche - The 8th Kyabje Khamtrul Rinpoche and The 8th Kyabje Adeu Rinpoche - Root Gurus to the present Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche, the 9th.

Passing away in 1964 in his eighties in the remote region of Kinnaur, The 8th Kyabgon Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche had many disciples, among his disciples were the 11th Gyalwang Drukchen, the 7th and 8th Khamtrul Rinpoches, the 8th Adeu Rinpoche, Drubwang Shakya Shri, Pema Choegyal, Sengdak Rinpoche, H.H. Je Khenpo Kunleg of Bhutan, Apo Rinpoche, the 2nd Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Thuksey Rinpoche and almost every Drukpa master that existed around that period of time.

Today's Drukpa Kargyu Lineage Holders are mainly holding the lineage of the 8th Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche of Dechen Choekhor. Thus, He not only maintained the essence and purity of the sacred enlightened lineage, but truly an omniscience embodiment of Vajradhara.

CR at Lippa Monastery.jpg

Top: The present 9th Kyabje Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche conferring Vajrapani Empowerment in Lippa Monastery, Kinnaur. Bottom Left: One of the residences in Lippa where the previous Choegon Rinpoche stayed and performed retreat for a couple of months. Bottom Right: The front view of Lippa Monastery.


Like the anniversary of Lord Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, the parinirvana anniversary of great enlightened masters is regarded as a significant and particularly blessed day for serious Vajrayana practitioners.

The physical body of the gurus may have left this world, but their blessings remain. It is said that the guru's blessings are most powerful at the moment they enter nirvana and on all their parinirvana anniversaries. Therefore, these are the best moments with the highest possibilities for meditators and practitioners to become enlightened or heighten their realization.

On this day, practicing Guru Yoga with fervent devotion, supplicating earnestly, and meditating undistractedly, is akin to merging our ordinary minds with the enlightened mind of the masters. The powers of blessing and merit accumulated are incredible.

All are welcome to participate in this auspicious and beneficial event.

Should you wish to find out more details about this puja, please write to us:

Thank you!

Click on the link to read more about The 8th Kyabgon Choegon Rinpoche

Earlier Event: 10 December
The Grand Dhemchok Druba
Later Event: 25 December
Parinirvana of Phagmo Drupa